Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Mark of the Raven by Morgan L.Busse

Based on Mark of the Raven, The Ravenwood Saga has the potential to be my favourite Christian fantasy series in years.

Right from the start, Busse is invested in taking  the time to world build. As a result, the book is filled with rich family and world history, interesting geography, and, of course, the division of the great houses gifts. Busse obviously has put a lot of thought and heart to the creation of her characters home and it brings the story a depth and immersion I've found lacking in other reads in this genre of late.

The concept of the gifts is what lands this novel firmly in its fantasy genre. I really enjoyed the slow reveal of the gifts as well as the way readers are introduced to the concept of a gift that has been twisted or warped from it's original purpose. Between the contrast of the houses of the Light and the houses of the Dark Lady, Busse has set up the possibility of introducing themes of faith and redemption without being overly cliche or preachy. I really appreciate how naturally she works her elements into her plots allowing them to feel natural to the characters, especially with Lady Selene and Lord Damien.

These two really caught my attention (aside from Renata and little Opheliana who I sincerely hope make reappearances in the future).  Both characters were strong enough to hold their own plotlines with notable weakness that made them more interesting as they seek to best  lead their people and honour the gifts they've inherited. While I guessed the eventual outcome of these two meeting, Busse definitely throws a twist into the plot in the  last 75 pages and I was on the edge of my seat for how the ceremony would unfold. 

I'm always leery of reviewing the first in a Christian fantasy as so often a fantasy series needs to viewed as a whole to see how an author will use the history and plots established. However, Mark of the Raven is well worth the risk. Also is it April yet? I need to know what happens next!

4 out of 5 stars.

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."

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