Thursday, October 3, 2019

Homeschool Bravely by Jamie Erickson

Homeschooling is on the rise and the opinions on homeschooling are skyrocketing accordingly. In her new book, Erickson strives to address some of the most common naysaying voices both internal and external.

For the most part, as a homeschool mom on their second year, I can see how this book would bring encouragement to those new to homeschooling and veterans alike. Erickson addresses a wide variety of topics including schooling multiple children, qualifications to school, and avoiding comparison. These practical lessons are infused with Erickson's passion and a wide knowledge of scripture to help families find their footing. 
I also appreciated the perspective Erickson brings as one trained in formal education. This gives her a unique perspective when addressing some of the more common fears by those in opposition to homeschooling and paints a picture of grace when seeking to understand those fears while responding in love.

My biggest concern with the book was how little room Erickson leaves for re-evaluating your family's decision to homeschool as time passes. Erickson's book, with its black and white thinking, doesn't leave much room for the messy grey that often makes up family life.  I know homeschool families that have switched back to more traditional schooling due to work, health, or other commitments who would feel nothing but guilt and condemnation from Erickson's connecting of homeschooling with calling. That worries me.

Overall, I think this book has a lot to offer. It's biblical perspective can help homeschooling families zero in on their purpose and help them frame their homeschooling to their individual family's strengths and weaknesses, offering practical advice from one who has been there. However, the firm black and white thinking could be harmful to those who are struggle in circumstances outside of their control due to the interweaving of faith, calling, and homeschool commitment which leaves me feeling a bit wary.

3 out of 5 stars 

I received this book from Moody Publishing in exchange for my honest opinion, the views expressed are my own.

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