Monday, November 12, 2018

Parenting With Heart by Stephen James and Chip Dodd

My husband and  I recently attending a parenting seminar by Brett Ullman. During his talk he informed us that most parents read more books to plan a trip to Disney than they do about parenting. In a way I understand this. There  are so many parenting books on the market today and most parents do not have an overabundance of spare time.

That's why I feel that Parenting with Heart could be an excellent starting point for many parents. One of the points I found most interesting with this book was the parent-focused instruction. So often parenting books seek to change the child's behaviour when, really, changing our own approach is often more effective. While some of the terminology was different, many of the principles James and Dodd described were quite similar to those discussed when I took some counselling classes in college. 

I also appreciated the  time James  and Dodd took to explain their approach the concept of "parenting with heart" of parenting for control, shame, guilt, etc . .  . There  is so much pressure on having the right type of kid  rather than  helping your kid mature and grow into the person they are gifted to be. Additionally, their "parenting with heart" style is also centered in relationship which is something, I think, a lot of families struggle to do well in our isolated society. The way they show how that relationship allows love, instruction, discipline, and  growth to naturally flow between both parties rather than an power focused struggle or an unbalanced best buds approach also makes a lot of sense without feeling any more overwhelming then parenting can often feel.

There were times when the chapters  felt, perhaps, too academic for a tired parent to want to wade through while their kids are sleeping but over all the information felt solid and I loved the parent centered focus as, in the end, our own behaviour is what we have the most influence over.

4.5 out of 5 stars

I received this book as part of the Revell Reads Tour.

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