Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Fake or Follower by Andi Andrews

If I had to choose a different theme for this book it would be following through on faith in a consumerist culture. Andi adamantly encourages readers to be active  in their faith, discontent in merely receiving. I found Andi to be straightforward in her message and tone, almost to the point of abrasiveness, until her personality comes through the pages and the initial abrasiveness begins to read more as urgency in love.

This makes sense as Andi covers a wide variety of topics that are heavy in nature dealing both with the individual and communal. I really appreciate this widespread coverage in her work in light of the church existing as one made up of many. Her information on identity, healing, and reconciliation are all important but it's the fact that she frames her message within love that makes it so powerful.

That love really comes through thanks to the honesty and vulnerability Andi infuses into each page. These aren't the lessons of a removed teacher but someone who has walked through grief, wrestled with confusion in the face of our society, and remained passionate about her faith. There is a definite feel that Andi does not write a single word she is not actively trying to live out each day in her own life. Each chapter ends with the "making it real" section to help readers assess and apply the contents to their life in an achievable way. This is so refreshing in a world where so many try and set standards above and beyond the plausible or healthy. 

My one sticking point in the book was chapter 6 Introverted Extrovert. As an introvert myself, I've struggled to find my voice in and outside of the church due to the misunderstanding surrounding the term. I found that Andi tended to lean more to the common understanding of introversion being preference or personality rather than  a method of recharging  which was disappointing. 

Andi's style is definitely more "in your face" than I'm used to but her message is an important one of urging the church to live out their calling and lives passionately. At the very least Fake or Follower  promises to inspire  important reflection and conversation for those involved in the North American church.

4 out of 5 stars.

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."

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